
Author : Katja Rasmussen
16 minute read
How to Keep your Dog Active
How to Keep your Dog Active-6

Making Exercise a Priority

Consistency is Key

Adapting to Changing Needs

A Holistic Approach

Time for Bonding

Tailoring Exercise to Individual Dogs

Seeking Professional Guidance

Making Exercise Enjoyable

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Understanding Your Dog's Exercise Needs

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Exercise for Senior Dogs: Adapting to Changing Needs

Low-Impact Exercises

Frequent but Shorter Sessions

Warm-Up and Cool-Down

Adequate Rest

Cognitive Stimulation

Cushioned and Supportive Surfaces

Monitoring Weight and Diet

Regular Vet Check-Ups

Mindful of Weather

Individualized Approach

How to Keep your Dog Active-68

Exercise for Puppies: Building a Strong Foundation

Short and Frequent Sessions

Controlled Leash Walks

Off-Leash Play in Safe Areas

Avoid High-Impact Activities

Interactive Play and Mental Stimulation

Supervised Playtime

Basic Obedience Training

Exposure to New Environments

Plenty of Rest

Gradual Intensity Increase

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Exercise for Working and High-Energy Breeds

Understanding the Needs of Working Dogs and Breeds with High Energy Levels

Providing Sufficient Mental and Physical Stimulation

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The Role of Diet in Exercise

The Connection Between Exercise and Nutrition

Choosing the Right Diet to Support an Active Lifestyle

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Finding the Right Exercise Balance

Creating a Customized Exercise Plan for Your Dog

Balancing Exercise with Rest and Relaxation

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Swimming: A Low-Impact Exercise Option

The Benefits of Swimming for Dogs

Water Safety Tips and Precautions

How to Keep your Dog Active-135

Fetch and Retrieval Games

How Fetch Games Satisfy a Dog's Natural Instincts

Improving Obedience and Recall Through Retrieval Exercises

Safety Precautions for Fetch Games

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